My name is Margot, and I would like to cordially invite you to Fairygore, my home on the web! It's really quite nice to have you here.
You can navigate everything Fairygore has to offer by using directory to the left. As I add more pages, the sitemap will be the most accurate list the whole site while the directory acts as more of a springboard to the main pages I have to show.
I decided to make Fairygore because I'm not the best with social media, and I wanted a private place to express myself while also learning how to code! I've wanted to learn HTML/CSS for forever, and have always been inspired by the creativity of both other Neocities and custom Tumblr themes I have seen, but I've never quite felt confident enough to learn how to myself.
During your travels, remember to keep in mind that this site is a constant work-in-progress, and therefore not everything will work perfectly all the time!
With much love from me: I hope you enjoy your stay! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns; my email is, and my Tumblr is @folkdances.
You can navigate everything Fairygore has to offer by using directory to the left. As I add more pages, the sitemap will be the most accurate list the whole site while the directory acts as more of a springboard to the main pages I have to show.
I decided to make Fairygore because I'm not the best with social media, and I wanted a private place to express myself while also learning how to code! I've wanted to learn HTML/CSS for forever, and have always been inspired by the creativity of both other Neocities and custom Tumblr themes I have seen, but I've never quite felt confident enough to learn how to myself.
During your travels, remember to keep in mind that this site is a constant work-in-progress, and therefore not everything will work perfectly all the time!
With much love from me: I hope you enjoy your stay! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns; my email is, and my Tumblr is @folkdances.