Welcome to our friendly desert community where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep.
Welcome to Night Vale Community Radio's home on the web. We pride ourselves on providing Night Vale with high-quality broadcasts twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, twelve months a year.

Tune in at any time to listen to the latest events happening in town, curated and catchy music picks, ancient chantings, exclusive interviews, or our beloved daytime programme hosted by Cecil Palmer.

Dot Day! Remember: red dots on what you love, blue dots on what you don't. Mixing those up can cause permanent consequences.

Louie Blasko is offering bluegrass lessons in the back of Louie's Music Shop. Bring your instrument to the crumbled ashy shell of where his shop once was, and pretend that he is there teaching you. $50/lesson.

(Afternoon) Night Vale PTA bake sale to support Citizens for a Blood Space War. Proceeds will go to support neutron bomb development and deployment to our outer solar system allies.

Cancelled due to a scheduling error.

A free concert.

(6AM-11PM) The public library will be unknowable. Citizens will forget the existence of the library. The library will be under a sort of renovation. It is not important what kind of renovation.