Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Canticle, a private place for me to post my writing! You can see everything I have up by using the menu to the left. I sincerely hope that you enjoy!
Writing and making up stories has been one of my favourite hobbies for basically my entire life. It brings me a feeling of peace and completion, as well as acting as an emotional and philosophical outlet for me. I prefer writing prose pieces, but recently I've started taking poetry more seriously. I don't think that my understanding of meter is perfect yet, but I hope to improve as I practice over time.
Oftentimes I don't really like things I write after a little while, but I'm trying to look at this positively, since this means that I have improved or developped in some way since.
My work has won and been nominated for awards, as well as been published in magazines, but nothing above the inter-collegial level. I hope to remedy this as I grow my skills and confidence!
Writing and making up stories has been one of my favourite hobbies for basically my entire life. It brings me a feeling of peace and completion, as well as acting as an emotional and philosophical outlet for me. I prefer writing prose pieces, but recently I've started taking poetry more seriously. I don't think that my understanding of meter is perfect yet, but I hope to improve as I practice over time.
Oftentimes I don't really like things I write after a little while, but I'm trying to look at this positively, since this means that I have improved or developped in some way since.
My work has won and been nominated for awards, as well as been published in magazines, but nothing above the inter-collegial level. I hope to remedy this as I grow my skills and confidence!
I hope this won't be necessary, but just in case: Hours and hours of thought go into every single thing I write, no matter how big or how small. My writing means a lot to me.
This is why I ask there be absolutely no plagiarism of my works or ideas, be that in fully stealing a piece and claiming it as your own, or taking bits and pieces of it.
I encourage you study whatever writing you find interesting in order to develop your own style, and you can always reach out to me for help — but please do not steal!